Our Story

How it all started

Incendo Distillery was founded by myself, Francois Joubert and my wife Vonmari Joubert.
My fascination with distilling started with the only job I was ever “fired” from. I was 14 years old, and picking peaches on a farm of a friend. Unfortunately my colour blindness meant lots of green peaches, and not many ripe ones… The following day I was recruited to help distill Mampoer in an age old copper kettle – in an effort to protect the orchards from my picking ‘skills’.
The fascination took hold again as I studied at varsity, with attempts to distill Apple Jack in my residence room…
In 2010 I bought my first 25Liter alembic still, with a 100L Fractionating collumn still following in 2013. And since then I’ve perfected my recipes, now itching to share my creations and passion with the world!
Vonmari’s maiden name is Stoker – hailing from her great grandfather Hendrik Stoker who was a ‘jenever stoker’ (Gin distiller) in Assen, Netherlands at the turn of the 18th century. She is eagerly working on a ‘heritage’ product range in remembrance of her family lineage. Vonmari is also responsible for all the branding and marketing materials of Incendo Distillery.
At Incendo Distillery it is our mission to provide you with new experiences, interesting tastes. If you walk out after a distillery tour and tasting without your horizons broadened – we have failed.